Tips To Analyze Your Blog Yourself

It feels good when someone says you have a rocking blog. It increases the urge to increase the popularity of your blog more and more sales. But there will be some who criticize your blog. They will try to find and point out what is not good and what is not right. But one should be able to take this cticisim in positive manner. As only this constructive negative feedback can let you know what needs to be corrected, which area of your blog is lacking attention?

But other than you who can be the best critique of your blog. You are the one who is nurturing it day in day out, so no one else besides you can be aware of the positives and negatives of your blog.

So I share you with five constructive ways with which you can critique your blog, which will eventually make your blog flawless.

1. Start from what’s your blog all about?

It’s obvious if you are not clear about the fact that what you blog is all about, then how can others know it. So ask yourself aloud that “what IS your blog about?” Can you describe it precisely in points? You being clear on this answer will not make your blog come clear about all help you to grow it. Your understanding of the theme and topic f your will help you produce good content.

If your blog do not belong to a particular niche, then be clear on what you want to do through this blog. You want to share your ideas, thoughts with other, want to entertain your readers? Just be crystal clear on what your blog is all about.

2. Does Your Blog Theme and Colors Match Your Blog Topic?

How would it look a blog on love being displayed in dark, shades of black color? Confused!! Your visual appearance sets the tone of your blog in which color plays important part.  Don’t be hard on colors as they can scare your readers away. Also don’t such light and dull colors that it can bore your readers to hell.

The color palate of the blog has to compliment the theme of the blog. Like in my example a Love Blog has to be in shades of red and pink. Select the colors which reinforce your message.

3. Is your Blog Social Media Friendly?

It’s obvious NOW that all of us have Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and important social media profiles. Make sure you share then with your readers. Connect all your social media profiles with your blog and this can be achieved by installing the widgets and share buttons being offered by such social sites.

But just adding these buttons to your blog is not enough, placing them properly is equally important. Place them at the top of your blog sidebar or somewhere in header. Just make sure all of them are placed in one place instead of being scattered here and there on the blog.

4. Is your About Us Page Being Justified?

Blogs about us page is refection of you, what you want to do and your blog. Effectively arched down about us page helps your readers to have a personal feel about your blog. It is like a virtual “Hello”. So try to impress your readers. Share how you started the blog, what all you want to achieve through your blog.

5. Read Your Content

Don’t just write, unbiased read your content as a blog visitor. Does it compel you to take the action you want your readers to take like: commenting on the post, share it, download, buy your service or fill the info form, etc.

Author bio: Catherine Jones writes for ip pbx system. She is a freelance blogger and likes to write about various topics like social media, latest technology trends.

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