5 Effective SEO Techniques to Improve a Website’s Ranking

Website owners and webmasters must take advantage of effective SEO methods and techniques that are meant to improve the overall rank of their websites in major search engines like Google and Yahoo. Unfortunately, a lot of site and blog owners still have no idea on the great important of search engine optimization to their websites. They wonder why they are having a difficult time generating the traffic that they need for their websites.

For one thing, because the websites are not properly optimized, they are hardly visible online. In order for a website to become more visible and gain immense amount of traffic, it is a must that effective optimization and back linking techniques are implemented in it.

Here are basic and reliable search engine optimization techniques that one can apply on his website to improve its online presence:


Submit URL of website to relevant directories

One of the best SEO methods that an owner can apply to his website is to submit the URL of the whole site or web pages to directories. It is a must that the site is submitted to a relevant one, which means that the directory caters to websites with a common niche. For instance, if the website is about dogs, then the ideal directory to which is must be submitted to is about dogs or pets.


Place the main keyword or key phrase in the Title of Post

Another highly effective optimization method is to include the keyword or phrase in the main title of the website’s post.  And while a number of SEO professionals do not anymore recommend the inclusion of main keyword or keywords in meta description and keyword tags, many others still consider this as significant factor in the overall calculation of a website’s search engine ranking.


Earn valuable and relevant back links

In order to receive benefits from SEO, it is a must that the website owner obtains relevant back links going to his website. For one thing, it helps to contact other websites owners and request that they link to your website. One can create good articles with his website’s link embedded on them and have them published in high ranking, similar-topic websites and blogs. He can also comment on other blogs, from which his site will earn much-needed links in return.


Submit URL to blog directories

While many SEO experts already devalue the technique of submitting the URL of a blog to blog and website directories, others insist that it is still helpful in improving search engine ranking. However, in order to maximize the benefit of blog directory submission, it is a must that the URL is submitted only to similar-niche categories. For instance, a loan website should only be submitted to finance or loan-related categories.


Avoid automated processes

A lot of website owners, in their desire to save time and energy while engaging in SEO processes, make use of automated software. In fact, there are automated processes or software for everything that involves SEO and maintenance of websites. One can now automate the creation of content for his website. He can also submit his URL to hundreds of directories in a matter of minutes – all through automated software. However, such a method is frowned upon by Google.

It detects whether or not a website makes use of automated software. And if so, the search engine penalizes the website. It is advisable to use any process manually, whether in creating content or submitting the website to directories since this earns the good favor of Google.

Author info:


Nicole McGrey is a teacher at Edinburg High School. Her writing includes few notes about Eric Schiffer. Follow her on Twitter @NicoleMcGrey

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