I was thinking about some unorthodox ways for you to get more blog readers.
One strategy that isn’t talked about is repurposing your blog content for other platforms with huge audiences.
I call these platforms “Content Hubs” because they use user-created content to attract a large audience. Placing your content on these platforms is an easy way to attract hundreds even thousands of new readers.
Here’s are a few quick suggestions for you:
#1. iTunes:-
iTunes attracts a savvy crowd of people who like to listen to podcasts. This is a huge audience. You can make a podcast by simply recording yourself reading your post. Upload the audio to iTunes and you are ready to go. Search for “podcasting tutorial” on Google to get a lot of great resources that will get you started.
Visit the PodcastAnswerMan for a ton of great advice and tips for getting your audio podcasts on iTunes.
#2. YouTube:-
YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world behind Google. Smartphones and inexpensive camcorders make is easy to create good quality video. Many smartphones will automatically upload your videos to YouTube for you!
My favorite is using screen recording software to make quick slideshow video. Just make a powerpoint/keynote presentation summarizing your post’s content. Use a program like Camtasia or Screenflow to record yourself explaining the slides. Now upload the video to YouTube. Google will list your video on search engine listings and send you even more traffic.
Check out WebVideoUniversity for some great tips on how to do web video.
#3. Slideshare:-
Slideshare collects presentations and makes them easy to search. Slideshare is a great research tool for people needing information on any topic. Yes, people actually search for Powerpoint presentations!
Take the video you created in YouTube and upload it to Slideshare. Sprinkle keywords in the presentation title and description. Consistently upload new slideshows. Over time you will see your traffic increase.
That’s three proven tips you can use to attract more blog readers.
Reply with comments if you have any questions about this post.
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