Why Social Media is Important?

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Updated on – 30/07/2024

Since about March 2011, Google has adapted its SERPs and added emphasis to social media sites. Twitter and Facebook pages have already appeared in Google’s higher rankings and strengthened their influence in the algorithm. The main purpose of this is to include news on a Google search.

Think about it, it used to take days or weeks before a new page in Google index. Even for sites with a lot of authority ranking takes time for the page to be indexed and then classify correctly. Google has found a great solution to integrate Twitter and Facebook. This, combined with Google News offers the latest on important issues and the latest hot topics with a simple search. As we are now in the era of the next, taste, and instantly share, Google can now spread the word about the drop of a dime.

So what does this mean for you? Well, you can redirect their focus or can be a supplement added to their traffic based on its strategy. Whichever way you decide to continue, make sure you are incorporating social media and means of their social sites friendlies. Many of the issues CMS published in the past year on sites like Template Monster link to social media and widgets built on the site. If you are in the early stages of developing your website, I recommend you take a look at these templates.

I guess that most readers already have a Facebook account, and probably have a Twitter account. You must understand that I am not just talking about having open accounts that link to your pages. You need to have active Facebook pages created for your company with a strategy to develop a community of people “and” pages, messages and links. For Twitter, you must create a community of “followers” who are interested in your product or service and have a good following/follower ratio. The amount is not as important as the quality on Twitter. I get into specific ways of developing social media strategies on my website if you are looking for more details. Also dive bookmarking sites (ie Digg, Delicious), blogging sites (eg: Blogger, Tumblr), and even article sites (eg, counselling, Squidoo).

The roots of SEO are inside the building of productive long-term relationship and on-site SEO. However, as search engine algorithms are more for “instant information” which should lay the groundwork now to be prepared in the media, the Internet holds. The key is to prepare your site for everything. If you are staying in one area and refuse to make changes, your site (s) fall by the way … and sooner than you think.

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