Top 7 Local SEO Ranking Factors that Affect Your Website Ranking

You have may start a business that sells products or provides services catering to the local population. Also, your store may be the only one in town that sells products in demand but are not available everywhere. While you may trying various traditional methods like announcing attractive discounts, relying on word-of-mouth or placing banners in prominent locations to attract more customers, designing and implementing effective SEO tools may help pull in more customers.

Following are certain local SEO ranking factors that would not only improve your website’s Google search engine ranking but would also redirect your local population to your website, thus, enabling them to learn more details of your business, thereby, prompting greater sales.

#1. Verify your business details in Google My Business (GMB) listing:

This is the most important SEO tool that one can employ to validate the existence of your business when people search for your business or other businesses similar to yours on Google search engine or Google Maps. Registering your details on GMB makes it more convenient to create and update your business details so that customers can easily find you among the rest.

#2. Use relevant long-tail keywords:

If you are trying to rank your page using organic means, it is necessary that you include relevant keywords that help explain your business better. As Google uses search crawlers to assess each of the pages that you wish to rank to analyze their content, including relevant keywords, will increase the chances of search engine ranking of that particular page. People use specific keywords to search for any product, service or business. To ensure that you understand and capture your customers’ needs perfectly, you can use either long-tail keywords like “Shops selling hardware items in XYZ Area” or short-tail keywords like “hardware shops, XYZ Area”.

#3. Don’t ignore the power of Links:

You may have always heard about backlinks, and how getting backlinks from trustworthy and relevant sources can improve page ranking on Google. While it may not be easy to convince others to link their websites to yours, you can rely on the effectiveness of outbound links. Outbound links mean linking your page to pages of other websites, which means that you are redirecting your customers to other websites containing information relevant to your business. You must link your business website to other websites only to provide your potential customers with the additional information they might need before deciding to make any purchase or utilize the service that your business provides.

#4. Discuss the best about your locality in your blog:

Your business is not the only best thing that may have happened in the locality you live in or the community you are a part of. Identify the positive aspects of your locality and discuss them in your blog. For example, if your community has been recently involved in some philanthropic work, you may well write about it and share the same on a social idea. Lending a human angle to all what happens in your locality will not garner the attention of your readers, but will result in your website being widely searched on Google, thus, resulting in the better page ranking of your website.

#5. Include your business details in travel blogs discussing your locality:

Not all travel blogs discuss holiday destinations. There are some that publish details of various localities and their specialities. You may contribute the best of what your locality provide in those travel blogs while also mentioning your business details and explaining its USP to the community.

#6. Optimize your website across all browsers and devices:

Since most of your customers would be searching your business on their smartphones, mobile-optimizing your website would ensure that details of your website are visible on your smartphones. In addition, it is necessary that your potential customers are able to search your website on all browsers including Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera.

#7. Request customers to leave reviews about your business:

Testimonials and customer reviews have a strong impact on the reputation of your business while lending it necessary credibility. You may request your customers to leave positive ratings or share their reviews on your website, which will promote the image of your business in search engine ranking. A few words of appreciation can work wonders, and hence, must not be ignored.


Not all SEO ranking factors deliver desired results. While you may be keen to optimize your business website in a manner that it ranks in local searches, it is important to realize and identify which local SEO ranking factors work best for your business.

Bio: Micheal Anderson is an SEO expert and blogger by hobby, works with a Techmagnate (a well-known name for seo services in Mumbai). He likes to share his knowledge with peoples to get the best result by applying best SEO tactics.

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