How to Win Over Nofollow Links?

Two to three years back, a significant way of link building was join as many forums as possible! Sure the forum need to be high pr forum . Count your post to 10. edit your signature and yahoo, you easily have a backlink to your site.

Over the years the link firms and the spammers made the moderators life difficult in those forums. So a welcome change was that most forums or quality forums became nofollow.Dofollow and nofollow links

So what we can do? Link building is important but most importantly the links should be dofollow.

Now here is the good news. Google with time has made some significant changes in its attitude towards how to valuate links and it gives a point even to no follow link from a authority site in the context of contents.

Don’t trust me?:)

Have you observed eBay and amazon ranking over last 12 months? They have increased, without significant increase of dofollow links from its affiliates and associates. This is because google now analyzes a link credibility with content. So if the content is an authority site is relevant to the content of the linked site, then linked site is awarded.

Another factor is content similarity in the linked site. If linked site has only one page of relevant content of that of linking site, than a nofollow remains no follow.

With this information let us build the strategy of linking. Create fresh content for authority site and rather than just copying the link, post that content. Either put your site in signature or far better put it in the content text as “excerpt from”

now if you think you have really overcome the problem, you are not. There has to be several correlated article in both sites. There is no certainty of the numbers, but if you understand mathematics well, the information similarity or entropy should be higher than .6.

Right , before you start checking your page rank , remember another fact. Page rank or PR is not a live statistics and does not change everyday. Google updates the ranks may be four times a year…..

So how do you know if the link is working? Check in search engine results. You will find 5-6 nofollow quality links from authority site also improving your search appearance. And there is another juice. Increase in traffic. Google has also included a +1 button in search result. So if your article in authority site gets a view and + 1 from a visitor, at least for him, your sites result will appear dramatically higher. Consider 1000 such visitors from that site.

All your new articles in your site will start appearing at top for those 1000 visitors. And as it stands now, google is experimenting with readers response integration in search results, you might be lucky in pr also for next google algorithm update.

These links are so valuable in terms of quality targeted traffic that you simply can’t quit putting your effort in them.

Right so stop worrying and start acting.

Authors Bio:

Rupam Das is the founder of Integrated Ideas a company into research and education. He is also the founder of Grasshopper Network , an online community for sharing technical and entrepreneurial knowledge.

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