Conversion rate optimization is important for any content locking, email list building, or any Google Adsense website. Increasing your conversion rate can increase your overall click through rate and overall profits. One of the best ways to optimize your website to increase conversions is to modify the website itself. Modifying a website’s cosmetic appeal can attract not only more visitors, but can make your advertisements and email submit offers look more pleasing to the visitors.
The main issue with failing websites today is because they have a high bounce rate, which means visitors will click on the website and immediately leave because they didn’t find it cosmetically appealing, or because the content was not what they were looking for. If your website currently is suffering from a high bounce rate, the best way to fix this is by modifying the content placed on the website or changing the way it looks. A common way to increase conversion rate is to change the theme of the website. Many themes that are currently on websites are usually old and outdated, and visitors now prefer newer more cleanly looking websites. Ad placement on websites is another important factor too, and whether you get a higher conversion rate or not can depend on where you place the ads.
Placing your ads in different areas on your website can greatly increase your conversion rate. Google prefers content over advertisements, so in order to keep your website high in the ranks with a good conversion rate it is wise to place little advertisements, but in the perfect place. A good place to put advertisements to increase conversion rates is in the middle of text.
The text should wrap around the advertisements, so it doesn’t compromise the look of the article. While the visitor is reading the content you have on your website, they are sure to see the advertisements you have put in place and they will then determine whether they want to click it or not. Another way to increase conversion rate is to make sure the advertisements are relevant to the content on the website. If the advertisements are not relevant, this will decrease your websites conversion rate.
When users search for specific content, advertisements pertaining to that content will be more appealing to them. This effectively increases your conversion rate on your website. Conversion rate optimization is one of the most important aspects for a website in order to run it properly.
Guest post contributed by freelance writer Pamela Kinley on behalf of Usability Testing with Inspectlet- a team dedicated to user experience analytics.