8 Quick Tips to Become a Pro WordPress Developer


Are you among those people who think becoming a WordPress Developer is as easy as a piece of cake? Unfortunately, you are wrong. Like everything you want to achieve in your life, becoming a skilled WordPress Developer requires you to invest some efforts and time. In addition to this, there are some qualities that you need to develop to become a good developer like hard work, determination and a lot of sacrifices.


There is no shortcut to becoming a good WordPress developer. Don’t fall into the trap of the books quoted with “Tips to become WordPress Developer in 24 hours” or rely on the video tutorials that are posted with catchy titles. Remember, all these are merely tactics to gain traffic. Learning a skill like WordPress takes a lot of time. It is true that you might get help from some books, video tutorials or customisable themes but it’s not all. To gain expertise, you need to be committed towards continual improvement by laying foundation on three strong principles namely:

1)    Qualification

2)    Experience

3)    Dedication of giving back to the WordPress Community

An ideal developer is the one who extends beyond the boundaries of what is possible. Hence, you need to be innovative, demonstrative and a value contributor. There are many other people having similar ambition as you are having. So, you need to be exceptional to stand out from the rest. Let’s first gather some motivation from the benefits that you can reap by becoming a WordPress Developer:

1)    Monetary Benefit: There is a huge demand for best WordPress developers and the clients are ready to pay more for quality output.

2)    Power to Choose: You have the liberty to cherry pick project that suits your preferences from the best clients.

3)    Influence: You will gain a prestigious position and will be satisfied with the contribution you will make towards WordPress future.

Sounds great, right? But all this falls into the place when you master the WordPress skills.  Here’s providing you a comprehensive guide that will help you become the best WordPress developer:

1)    Commitment and Sacrifice

Prior beginning on the pathway to becoming a good WordPress developer, you need to stay away from the life of needless distractions. You need to give up on the time-consuming habits like socialising, television and sports, at least to an extent that it won’t eat up your life’s crucial time for learning. The level of commitment won’t allow you much time for all such activities as you will need some time for relaxation also.

2)    Reading

In the very beginning, you will need to devote one hour per day for reading and this should get incremented as you go along your path towards betterment. There isn’t any dearth of informative stuff out there that will be overwhelming, but the subject matter will be completely your choice depending on the area of specialisation you want to attain. From textbooks to online materials, you will always get something good to read and enhance your knowledge horizons with every step you take forward.

3)    Be Influenced

To become the best, you should consider spending time with people in the same field. Go through the blogs of best developers, follow them on social media profiles, and interact with them. This interaction will set a good barometer through which you can rate your position in the development field i.e. whether they are taking you seriously? You can go to WordCamps where you will get to meet true mentors without any barriers.

4)    Develop Understanding

Gaining knowledge about different languages won’t end up making you the best; you need to have the deep understanding of them. You can take help from numerous online tutorials available over the web to gain deeper knowledge and stay updated with the latest advancements in the industry. Start by looking up the page.php file of any WordPress theme on your system, you will definitely gain the significant understanding about building pages.

5)    Jump into Practice

Gain your knowledge and exhibit the same on your very own WordPress Sites. Make sure you are having multiple copies over which you can experiment and determine what you have learnt. Offer help to friends in developing their sites, follow the deadlines and try to make some sophisticated improvement that will hone your skills to become an expert.

6)    Experience

After reading and lots of practice, you will be ready to showcase your skills to the real world. Look out for some clients to work with; you might not get paid well in the beginning but take up on different challenges to gain expertise that will be surely rewarded in the coming time. You can try developing your own theme or plug-in and make improvements on the basis of feedback that you receive from other developers. Be sure that whatever you develop should be secure and error-free else you could risk your reputation.

7)    Be Dynamic

Make others realise your existence by becoming an active member of some WordPress Community. This will help to build trust, credibility and reputation as a WordPress developer. You can also write some useful tips or tutorials for others or simply learn something new from the informative stuff already shared in the community. As you know WordPress development needs continual improvement so why not be a part of the communities that will always offer you something new to learn and polish your skills.

8)    Be Dedicated to the Community

As you already know that WordPress is an open source tool that offers a great transparency for developers to evolve. Once you gain success in your endeavours, don’t forget to put that success back in the community so that it will stay alive and running. Never run away from your responsibility towards the WordPress community.

Therefore, become a skilled WordPress developer with an investment of time and practice but never forget your responsibility towards WordPress community and ready to give back what you learn so to keep it running for years to come.


About The Author:- kristyKristy Bernales is a Sr. Designer at Web Design Xperts, Melbourne. Blogging and research are the activities that interest her most apart from designing. She comes up with the latest stuff in the blogs to educate fellow designers about everything she discovers.

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