It’s the new American dream. Their web site appears in a top spot on Google for these keywords. Next thing you know, orders start coming in faster than it can handle, and are rolling in money. If it was so easy, right?
It can be done. I have done many times in many different industries. It is no secret, but rather, is just knowing what to do. I’ve done almost all the mistakes one can do with a website, but I learned from every setback. If only they were allowed to do one thing to get ranked for your site on Google, no doubt, all you have to do is get links to your site.
Yes, there are many other factors involved in getting your site to a higher position. But this is the most powerful of this paper to get a top position in Google. It is not just enough to have links pointing to your site, but you need to have the keyword “anchor linked” to your site. Anchor link is when you use the keyword phrase as the text, click a link-power. So instead of saying “click here”, you would use “Widgets” as the link text.
Now, another point of consideration is to determine what keyword or phrase you want to use to get your site online. Most times, people impulsively choose a phrase in a word. Although this would be a great way to bring traffic to your site, what would the fate of the traffic with people looking specifically for your product or service? Most times when people type in a letter from a key phrase, which are at the beginning of your search.
It is possible that the type of “shoes”, but actually looking for “sneakers.” Therefore, if you have a higher rank for shoes, you serve the needs of that user? Perhaps, but may also be looking for dress, casual, women, men, and athletic child, the girl child, etc. So when you start to optimize your site, you should focus on various keyword phrases.
Suppose you sell a certain brand name of dress shoes. For this example, let’s call the famous brand XYZ. So, getting anchor links as “XYZ Dress Shoes”, is already eliminating those users who are looking for another brand or line of shoes. Next, you need to make sure that the page that contains links on the page content with “XYZ Dress Shoes”. If you link to a page without relevant content, Google see this link as possible spam, or more appropriately, irrelevant content.
Now, once you have compiled your list of keywords, you need to see which are searched most often. The best tool for this is WordTracker, and worth the small fee you must pay for access for a day. There are also free online tools you can use, but WordTracker will give more accurate results.
Once you have run through his list of keywords, the best option is to choose those with the highest number of searches (and content relevant to your site!). The next step is to then begin the process of a link campaign. Now, I can hear you complain about doing a link exchange. This is only 1 / 3 of his campaign. The ideal approach is not only participate in a reciprocal link exchange, but also participate in the strategic relationship.
Strategic link is when you get a link to your site without having to return the favor. What is the best way to do this? Write an article like this. If I get a website to use this article and point to my site, I just created another link to my site. Very easy, huh?
Since you have participated in a campaign that unites, you should expect to see results in Google in just 4 days and 6 months. All this is determined by where your links come from, and the popularity of the site where it came from the link. Then you need to get as many links as possible pointing to your site with your popular keyword phrase anchor linked to your site.
As mentioned before, there are many other factors that only improve your rankings on Google, but the implementation of a link campaign is the strongest method to get your site to a first place!