Google search engine optimization

To explain, Google, in recent years, has learned many lessons from the experience of having to deny the techniques used by unscrupulous spammers looking for keywords to achieve a high ranking unfair. For example, if you have worked with the Internet for some years, you’ve probably seen some vendors will replicate keywords in hidden text,
duplicate keywords in the meta-tags and again (for example, “the network , network, network, marketing, marketing, marketing “), and other tactics to get your copy of the notice to the top of a search engine. To combat these unfair practices, Google has committed resources to develop search algorithms to penalize cheaters keywords and ensure that customers are able to search to find a consistent content and quality.

So what can a new internet marketer waiting to register their domain with the major search engines such as Google? Google takes the contents of each page with a numerical point system to evaluate the keywords, key phrases and other elements of relationship. For purposes of this discussion, I will assume that the keyword is used appropriately in the “meta” areas of HTML. Outside his own “meta” documentation, here are some lesser-known Google algorithms that are used to deny the bad practices of the site using the point system:

Keywords and phrases conventions. To penalize spammers, Google search text in narrative hidden and visible, to identify subject / verb imbalance. What the algorithm is looking for a “one on one” between subject and verb. In other words, search phrases and thoughts, not just isolated words of real thought. When there is excess of subjects (ie keywords) orphaned due to a related verb, which is classified with negative points. This reduces the relative ranking domains. Usually, to properly document the key words and phrases your ad text that should appear in complete sentences and repeated no more than 2-3 times in both the beginning and end of paragraphs of text ad. Furthermore, 1.2 times in the body is acceptable.

Backlinks. If you use a good search engine optimization (SEO) software that reports the number of backlinks (ie, independent references link to your URL) that are associated with your URL. These backlinks can be found in places like blogs, articles, video links and other related positions. Google sees these links as a measure of permanence and stability of a given domain / URL presence. In other words, the more backlinks that Google is presented as an indication that others are finding valuable content in that direction. The decline more than Google is pointing to a URL for the ranking score points overall and relative positioning in the search for users.

Ownership of the site. This is probably the biggest disappointment of a new website owner. Google will also assess how long a website or URL has been in existence and increase the points of greater permanence. This algorithm is used to remove the Internet “undecided” that “here today and gone tomorrow.” This is one factor that can not be controlled directly by the owner of the domain / URL as Google will get from the original date of publication and evaluating the tenure of the competition with other websites. The best advice is to take your Internet connection “immovable property” position (ie, blog, article, website) and stick with it. If you’re persistent with your Internet business and stay the course, you will see a marked increase in ranking within a few months.

In summary, the use of words wisely, create links to their offering advertising from outside sources, and be persistent. If you follow the rules and restrictions to be aware of Google’s ranking system and it will do well. After all, when you think about how Google is about ranking URLs, which only seems fair.

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